Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: rottybee on February 14, 2010, 02:16:58 pm

Title: Online Mentors
Post by: rottybee on February 14, 2010, 02:16:58 pm
Well I have decided to go ahead with my plans of two hives this spring.  I know one guy that has a bunch of hives and another that has had bees for years.  Neither seem to bee willing to help much.  One is kinda secretive about everything and the other wants money to drive a VERY short distance to "mentor" me. Not that I mind paying something, but when it's very close I mean come on?????? Guess I'm gonna have to rely on you all to "mentor" me along with this hobby.  I've watched "youtube" videos about installing bees and what to look for during inspections.  Between that and you all, I feel I'll get most of the info I need.  I think it would be better for someone to actually lay their eyes on things but with my digital cam maybe I can provide pics for you all.  Anyway, glad I found this forum.  Thanks for all the replies in advance!
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: iddee on February 14, 2010, 03:23:17 pm
Now, this is why we ask members to put in their location. Va. is a big place. If we knew where you were, we might be able to help. Otherwise, we can't do much. People in Bluefield don't keep bees the same as they do in Suffolk.
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: doak on February 14, 2010, 04:04:13 pm
I would also try to get a book, "first lessons in beekeeping".
There is a lot in the book that will apply, no matter where you are located.
Not saying knowing your location would not help us, it would.JMHO :)doak
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: rottybee on February 14, 2010, 04:32:26 pm
I would also try to get a book, "first lessons in beekeeping".
There is a lot in the book that will apply, no matter where you are located.
Not saying knowing your location would not help us, it would.JMHO :)doak

I have been reading books and everything I can find online.  Seems like the more I read the more confused I get!!!!!.  I will update my location a little closer.
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: rottybee on February 14, 2010, 04:39:13 pm
Now, this is why we ask members to put in their location. Va. is a big place. If we knew where you were, we might be able to help. Otherwise, we can't do much. People in Bluefield don't keep bees the same as they do in Suffolk.

OK, I will update my location closer.  But, I have had several people around here that keep bees tell me totally opposite things, so there again, that adds to the confusionl
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: harvey on February 14, 2010, 04:42:53 pm
Rotty Bee,
    I tried reading books,  every book you get will tell you something different and I too was confused.  I started last year with a swarm that stopped by my place and decided to stay.  I bought it  a pretty hive to live in.  This spring I have two packages coming.  I have enough boxes now for five  so I want to try and catch a couple swarms too.  I will not say I know all that much but I know a whole lot more than I learned from any book.  I learned it all here.  Talking with beekeepers that have been doing this forever and they all have good advise.  Might get a lot of different opinions and you will have to try each one for yourself.  I have found that along with posting pictures of my bees and the frames and such on here,  people are more than eager to help and give advice to us newbee's.  Without this forum I would be lost however I actually feel pretty confident in what I am doing.  All do to this forum and it's members.
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: Kathyp on February 14, 2010, 04:56:55 pm
But, I have had several people around here that keep bees tell me totally opposite things

the same thing will happen here.  your methods will develop over time as you try things and find what works for you.  you can not have TMI, but you can fail to sift through it and make your own choices.

we will help, but remember that the advice you get from different people reflects their own choices.  just because i choose to do something a certain way, does not mean it's right or the only way to do the thing.
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: iddee on February 14, 2010, 05:17:40 pm
I'm about 125 mile down Hwy. 220 from you. It's quite a drive, but a warm Sat. or Sun. would make a nice day trip to the NC Zoo for the family and we could go through a couple hives while you are here.

Richard Petty museum is here, too.
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: Jim134 on February 14, 2010, 05:44:18 pm
Rotty Bee,
   I learned it all here.  Talking with beekeepers that have been doing this forever and they all have good advise.  Might get a lot of different opinions and you will have to try each one for yourself.  

 I'm sill learned at 53 years of keeping bees Beemastar has a lot of good advise. If you come to ventrilo it may help you in you'r bee keeping hope to see you.   

    BEE HAPPY Jim 134  :)
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: doak on February 14, 2010, 05:45:46 pm
Yes, about a lot of things you will get different answers. But still, the basics are the same.
Your first year will be the biggest best learning lesson. If you do something in line with the basics and it doesn't work well, just move to the next lane like in traffic. Every thing doesn't work the same for every one in close locations, but may be a close parallel. Two kind of beekeepers that I would beware of. The ones who say they know every thing about it, and the ones who are not willing to give a little time. The latter being one who is maintaining 100+ colonies and doesn't have any help doing so.
They seem to think they are wasting time if they are not getting anything in return. They don't think about the enjoyment one gets from knowing he helped someone with something new. I always get unexpected returns for anything I do to try to help someone out of goodness and kindness.
Can't beet that. :)doak
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: Jim134 on February 14, 2010, 05:55:49 pm
 This may help you

Denise Taylor
Phone: 703-553-2162 (

Chuck Hutto
Phone: 540-483-0636


Brian Gallagher
Phone: 434-978-4405
Email: brian.j.gallagher at
NOTE: replace the (space)at(space) with the @ symbol when emailing

Pete Ostrowski
Phone: 804-642-0685
Email: (

Michael Church
Phone: 540-775-9740
Julie Moore

Jeff Mullins
Phone: 276-223-0001

Sam Price
Phone: 540-745-3411
Email: (

Kathy Miller
Phone: 540-923-4772
Email: (

Ron Pierce

John Dotson
Phone: 540-297-5109

John Strecker
Phone: 703-675-8251
Email: (

Kim Fraser
Phone: 540-785-8769


   BEE HAPPY Jim 134  :)
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: doak on February 14, 2010, 06:10:33 pm
Look at it this way. If what ever you do works for "YOU", then that is the correct way for you, as long as it works. No matter if some one tells you it's wrong.

Bee Keeping is one of the things that has more than one correct way to do "some" of the stuff in bee keeping. :)doak
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: hardwood on February 14, 2010, 06:51:30 pm
Wait a sec, aren't we all in agreement that my way is the only way to do it right? lol

You'll find all the help you need here! I kept bees with my father as a kid and got back into it just recently. I was comfortable with working the bees but hadn't been exposed to the "new" pests (varroa, SHB etc). I've got a pretty good handle on it all now (knocking on wood) because of the knowledge I've gleaned from this're gonna love it here!

And thanks again to everyone for all the help!

Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: D Coates on February 15, 2010, 11:50:15 am
It's one of the many things I love about beekeeping. Though the bees stay the same, what daily, monthly, and yearly challenges you encounter and how you handle them changes. The amount of hives you have is a whole different facet as well. It keeps you on your toes and you have to decide how your going to skin that days proverbial cat. Ask 5 beekeepers the same question and you'll get back 6 answers. You get to decide which one fits you. If it works, great! If it doesn't, try something else.

I've learned all kinds of stuff from various beekeepers (veteran, and even rookie). I've only been doing it 5 years and I am somewhat confident in my knowledge but I know I will never stop being challenged or learning as a beekeeper.
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: rottybee on February 15, 2010, 03:43:26 pm
I'm about 125 mile down Hwy. 220 from you. It's quite a drive, but a warm Sat. or Sun. would make a nice day trip to the NC Zoo for the family and we could go through a couple hives while you are here.

Richard Petty museum is here, too.

Hey thanks for the invite!  I might take you up on it someday.  I work Saturday's but am currently off on Sundays.  Don't care nothing about Nascar or Petty.  Drag racing is more my style.  I would enjoy seeing your hives and any info that could be "passed" along.   :)

Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: KD4MOJ on February 15, 2010, 04:01:16 pm
Well I have decided to go ahead with my plans of two hives this spring.  I know one guy that has a bunch of hives and another that has had bees for years.  Neither seem to bee willing to help much.  One is kinda secretive about everything and the other wants money to drive a VERY short distance to "mentor" me.

   Barry: Check some of the local clubs in your area. There are a group of us (an extract from the large association here) that meet monthly to help folks new to the hobby get the info they need, and a helping hand to get started. My "mentor" (actually a close friend) tried for years to get me into the hobby and I finally did (wish I didn't wait so long...). Extremely helpful to have someone locally show you the ropes! So if you keep looking, I'm sure that you'll find someone that won't "charge" you to help you get started.

  On another note, even though I did have a lot of hand holding to get started, I found these forums after the fact and have learned (and still learn) a tremendous amount of information, reading msgs from folks with years of experience.  So keep reading and I hope that you find someone in your "neck of the woods".

Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: iddee on February 15, 2010, 04:58:46 pm
OOPS! I guess I should have said Roy Hill instead. He lives here, too.

Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: Two Bees on February 18, 2010, 08:58:29 am
Iddee, is Roy Hill still into drag racing?

Rotty, I know what you mean.  I like to have things "black and white" and I found it could be frustrating at times.  As mentioned earlier, there are basics rules but there is also a lot of gray areas.  The gray can be a good thing when you starting out because if you make a mistake, most of the time the bees will adapt!  :-D
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: iddee on February 18, 2010, 09:33:05 am
Two Bees, Roy teaches drag racing. (

Rotty, there are a bunch of folks here, including myself, that will help in any way they can. All you have to do is ask.
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: Hemlock on February 18, 2010, 10:52:08 am
**Contact the local club!**
Call them right now!  Their February meeting is TONIGHT!  You will meet 30 or 40 people that want to help you.

I went a year & a half without talking to anyone relying on books instead.  All i learned was how to make unnecessary mistakes.  I'd have killed my bees by now if it wasn't for this forum & the local club.  Books are for reference, people are for experience.  Your club will likely have some type of mentoring process; plus dozens of beeks who would love to help you learn about bees and put all the info you get from books & forums in context.  Beginners bee classes have just started in both your area & mine (Lynchburg).  Maybe you can still get in one.  If not attending meetings & functions will still net you priceless information.

If i knew more I'd make the same offer as 'iddee' since I'm a lot closer.  Sorry no NASSCAR museum, but there's the Tank museum in Danville.


President: Chuck Hutto
Phone: 540-483-0636
Email: marchwoodfarm at
Secretary: Jane Skiles
Phone: 540-483-3697

Meetings: monthly, 3rd Thursday, except December and January
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: ziffabeek on February 18, 2010, 02:06:43 pm
I highly recommend iddee as a mentor!  He has helped me a lot this past year and is very generous with his time.  It's really nice to have someone to ask your specific questions of, even if most of them are hand holding ones. :)

Thanks again iddee for all of your help!

Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: tillie on February 18, 2010, 02:59:35 pm
I agree - Iddee is fabulous and willing to help.  He talked me through a difficult maneuver on the telephone and was so, so helpful.  I'm not in Virginia but there are lots of slideshows and posts on my blog ( about beginning beekeeping - just look through the post lists on the right side bar.

Linda T in Atlanta
Title: Re: Online Mentors
Post by: Scadsobees on February 18, 2010, 04:35:39 pm
Mentors are great!  The thing for me is that I need to have one way to do things, even if it is the "wrong" way, as long as it works.  Once I have things working then I can work on improving and personalizing it.  These forums are awesome, and books are great, but sometimes when starting, too many things all at once can really cause more confusion than help.

I find that a lot of beekeepers don't talk a whole lot about it, personality thing, but there are a lot of them that you just can't get to shut up about it (like myself!) :)

Club meetings are great too!! Get out there if possible.  You can usually get somewhat cheaper bees through them too if necessary.
