Beemaster's International Beekeeping Forum

BEEKEEPING LEARNING CENTER => GENERAL BEEKEEPING - MAIN POSTING FORUM. => Topic started by: TwT on March 08, 2006, 02:06:24 pm

Title: Slow hive
Post by: TwT on March 08, 2006, 02:06:24 pm
ok, out of my 6 hives, got one not acting right, I inspected and the hive has about 3 frames of bee's, first I thought the queen might have died this winter so I was going to put these 3 frames of bee's (they are in a medium) over a single deep colony that is exploding with bee's with the newpaper method, but farther inspection of the slow hive a queen was seen, it is not the all golden queen I had last year, this queen was striped, there are some bee's emerging, but I seen no eggs or larva, just wondered if yaw think like I do and this is a new queen that hasn't started laying yet? guest time will tell, I'll inspect again in a week, all opinions welcomed....
Title: Slow hive
Post by: Robo on March 08, 2006, 03:00:54 pm
Ted, Ted, Ted...mark those queens so you know :wink:

Could very well be. I'm not sure how far along your season is, so how is your drone population?  

Give her some time and see.  Some queens are just late starters, but catch up quick.  Worst case,  cull her and give them some brood from another hive,  or buy a queen.
Title: Slow hive
Post by: TwT on March 08, 2006, 03:26:21 pm
you got me Robo  :oops: , I inspected all hives and some have capped drones but never seen any drones while inspecting. I have just never trusted myself holding a queen with my hands, in a week or so im going to learn grafting with a old time beekeeper, when I learn to raise my own queens I will mark all of them, so if I mishandle one i can replace her.... :wink: .... it take some time learning everything on you own, but many have done it before me but my short cut is the internet  :wink: , I might get the old beekeeper to show me how to mark one also without hurting her,, you know I was thinking, that was a kona italian queen that was in that hive and kona only has italians and carnies, could this queen with the strips be a carnie? never know will I :lol:
Title: Slow hive
Post by: TwT on March 08, 2006, 03:54:01 pm
I have read that she can wait up to two weeks before mating flight, how long will a queen go before she gives up mating flights and just be a drone layer??
Title: Slow hive
Post by: Robo on March 08, 2006, 05:16:46 pm
Quote from: TwT
I have just never trusted myself holding a queen with my hands

Don't feel bad,  I never got that down either.  Of course, like riding a bike, those who have it down say there is nothing to it.

I found this to work well for me.

Guess I need to practice on some drones this year, so I too can become a real beekeeper :wink:
Title: Slow hive
Post by: Michael Bush on March 09, 2006, 08:53:05 am
Sometimes the ones that start slow finish best.  Sometimes th ones that start fast peter out before the flow.  I wouldn't judge her too harshly too soon.  But then it's later in GA than here.  :)